


We invite you to become a member of Saint Francis Xavier Church.  There are numerous opportunities to serve and minister.   Please drop by or give us a call.  If you have made the decision to join us, please download,fill out and print our Parish Registration Form from the link.

Parish Registration Form



We offer Mass celebrations on several weekdays and weekends, as well as a Spanish Mass.

In addition, Monday's Mass is followed by an hour of Eucharistic Adoration. 

Visit the Home Page for Mass Times.

Click here for accessing different Holy Hour's prayers from the USCCB  website. 



Parish School of Religion

Volunteers and catechists will hold classes P-K through 8 to prepare students to receive the sacraments, and teach them about their Catholic Faith through prayer, the Liturgy, the Sacraments, and our traditions to walk with the Lord as co-teachers with their parents. Time 1 hours/week each Sunday at 10:00 AM except holidays and summer.

Contact:  Sister Barbara Blesse 618-457-4556


High School Confirmation Preparation

Faith Formation 9th grade youth with preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation is offered, as well as monthly social gatherings for teens and famiies.   Sessions generally meet on select Sundays, September through May.  Contact: Sister Barbara Blesse (618) 457-4556 



Married couples are needed to share personal experiences as we prepare engaged couples for marriage through discussion, activities, and personal reflection. Commitment for 1 year. Pre-Cana is held once a year. On the scheduled date, married volunteers would be required to participate for approximately  three hours.

Contact:  Fr Nick Fleming (618) 457-4556


Pastoral Council

This is a consultative body that assists the pastor in planning and overall decision-making in all areas of parish life. Time 2 hours/month. Volunteers must be active in the parish and deeply interested in the health of  our parish life.  Contact:  Fr Nick Fleming (618) 457-4556


 Lights Fantastic

Volunteers needed to help with float for the annual Lights Fantastic Christmas Parade.  This is an annual event.  Time varies according to condition of float after being stored. 

Contact: Parish Office 618-457-4556


Holy Grounds

Seasonal volunteers help plant and mulch in the spring, maintain (water and weed when necessary) one flower bed in the summer and fall . Commitment: 1 Year Volunteer Time Commitment: 1 Hour perhaps 2 hours / week if drought conditions exist. 

Contact: Parish Office 618-457-4556


Good Friday Reading of the Passion

Volunteers needed to be readers, actors and musicians in the Passion Play. Readers use scripts, actors play scenes, memorizing some lines, musicians play interludes. Acting or lector skills, musical or singing skills preferred. About 6 hours/year rehearsal time plus one 20 minute reading on Good Friday.  Contact:  Fr. Bob Flannery (618) 457-4556


Funeral Meals

Volunteers needed to work with the Meal Coordinator to plan, prepare, serve and cleanup for a dinner served to the family and friends of the deceased.  

Contact: Parish Office (618) 457-4556


Coffee and Donuts

Volunteers will pick up donuts, prepare coffee and juice and set up in gathering space of Church on the first Sunday of every month.


Women’s Club

Women of the parish join together to address parish social and physical needs thru raffles and other fundraisers.  We provide scholarships and support various parish charities. Meets  2nd Wednesday of the month at 6 PM. No dues, all women of the parish are members. 


Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults  RCIA

Volunteers are needed to serve as sponsors for those participating in RCIA process. The sponsor will be a support to the candidate from September through the Easter Season. Ministers of the Word are also needed for “Breaking Open the Word” session on Sunday from January up to Passion (Palm) Sunday.  

 Sister Barbara Blesse 618-457-4556


Care of Altar Candles

Volunteers needed to assist when regular person is away or unavailable to clean the glass candle followers and the candle stands when they become covered with wax.   Contact: Parish Office (618) 457-4556


Eucharistic Bread Baking

Bake Eucharistic bread for Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter Liturgies. Specials skills include kneading, rolling, scoring and baking with lots of love and smiles. 1 year commitment, Time approximately 4 hours 3 or 4 times/year. Eucharistic Bread recipe provided


Ministers of Communion to the Hospital, Homebound/Nursing Homes

Volunteers offer Holy Communion to the hospital, nursing homes, assisted living facilities and home bound. Usually 1 Sunday every other month. Commitment for 1 year. Time commitment approx.2 hours every other month. Must be a Eucharistic Minister.